Thursday, 9 March 2017


School year 2016/2017

Arrangged by :

Name                                       : DANANG WA
                                                  RIO PRASETYO
                                                  RUDI J
Student’s number                    :
Grade                                      :
Competence program              : TEHNIK  DAN REKAYASA
Sub competence program        : TEHNIK  KENDARAAN RINGAN

School year 2016/2017


            Assalamu Wr. Wb.
           By reciting the praise and gratitude to the presence of GOD Almighty who telahmemberikan health, strength, and also bestow His mercy kepadaPenulis so the author has been able to complete the task paper entitled "CONTACTS PANEL FOR (PHB)" segue along with greetings Writer pray that GOD SWT bestow greetings to the Prophet Muhammad, was to the family and his companions. This task is one of the requirements to meet the obligations as a student. The assistance which the author gained during the making of this paper author accomplish this task from beginning to end, then on this occasion the author realizes that the task of this paper is far from perfect, therefore Writer expect criticism and suggestions constructive, so that could be a lesson for Writer and also for the perfection in the days to come. Hopefully this paper helpful Resistor           to         all.
             Wassalamu'alaikum    Wr.     Wb.

                                                                                    Kedunggalar,10 Pebruari 2017



TITLE                                                                                                                    i
PREFACE                                                                                                    ii
TABLE OF CONTEN                                                                                     iii
A.   Background                                                                                         1
B.    Problem Formulation                                                                            2
A.   Definition Panel Hubung Share (PHB).                                                    3
B.    B. Role of Panel Hubung Share (PHB) In A Building.                                 3
C.   Panel Type Hubung Share (PHB).                                                           4
D.   Components Panel Hubung Share (PHB)                                                  4
E.    The current transformer                                                                        6
F.    Indicator lights                                                                                    6
G.   conductor                                                                                            6
A.   conclusion                                                                                           8
B.   Suggestion                                                                                          8
BIBILIOGRAPY                                                                                          9


          A. Background
           Demand for electricity increased with the rapid advances in technology, today's electricity had been used for various household purposes to the industrial world. Therefore, continuity needs attention. To maintain continuity pernyalurannya, a         reliable        electricity     system        absolute      need.
           The electrical system does not escape from the disorder, ranging from the generation process until the process of use. And in many ways done to overcome these disorders. Disturbances that occur will impact directly on the load (consumer). If interference occurs, the electrical distribution kebeban will also be disconnected.
Fires are often caused by electricity because power consumption that exceeds the capacity of the installation that has been determined, and also due to the addition of installation which does not follow its own procedures and carried out without the knowledge of the official installer. In addition a safety device that does not work when there is interference overload and short circuit fault. Furthermore, electrical interference caused long life of the installation or out of date.
           So to avoid such interference does not harm the equipment and human disturbance should be separated from the load. To separate the disorder of the burden and to avoid any risk of electrical disconnection of a sudden and to maintain continuity of service it is necessary to design a system that is reliable dealer. In this case the authors are interested in making planning Hubung Panel Share (PHB) in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and PUIL 2000.
Electrical distribution control tasks would require control components capable of performing these activities, and these components would also need to be placed at the appropriate place (panel) so that the service can be done easily and safely. Panel Hubung Share (PHB) is a vital tool in maintaining the smooth distribution of electricity from the grid to the consumer or load. And for that in designing a panel should follow the rules that have been standardized in the General Regulation of Electrical Installation 2000 (PUIL 2000).

C.    Problem Formulation

1. What is the Panel Hubung Share (PHB)?
2. bangaimana role of PHB in a building?
3. What types of Panel Contacts For?
4. What are the components needed in PHB?


          A. Definition Panel Hubung Share (PHB).
          Panel circuit for is functioning equipment receives electricity from PLN and further distribute and while controlling the distribution of electrical energy via the circuit main panel and branches to PHB branches or directly via the circuit end to the load in the form of some light point and through the grid-contact for equipment utilization of electricity inside the building.
             In accordance with the usefulness of the electrical panel, then in its design must be in accordance with the standard terms and conditions and the existing electrical panel. For placement of the electrical panel should be tailored to the situation of the building and is situated in a place that is easily accessible facilitate the service. The panel should get a room that is large enough so the maintenance, repair, service and traffic can be easily and safely.

        B. Role of Panel Hubung Share (PHB) In A Building.

1. Liaison
The panel serves to connect between an electrical circuit with other electrical circuits on an operation. Panel connects the supply of electric power from the main panel to the burdens of both the installation of lighting and power installation.
2. Safety
A panel will work automatically disconnect the electric power supply source or if there is interference on the circuit. Which serves as a safety component in electrical panels are MCCB and MCB.
3. Dividers
Panel dividing the load groups either on the installation of lighting and power installations. Panels can separate or divide the supply of electricity based on the number of loads and loads of room that is the center of the load. The division is divided into beberapagroup burden and also to split the R phase, S phase, T phase in order to have a balanced load between phases.
4. Suppliers
Panel supply electric power from the source to the load. Panel as a supplier, and distribute electric power from the main panel, the panel branch to the load center both for the installation of lighting and power installation.
5. Controller
          Control panel functions as a function of the most important, because of the panel each load circuit can be controlled. The entire load on the building, the installation of lighting and power installations can be controlled from one place.

D.           Panel Type Hubung Share (PHB).
According PUIL 2000; 6.3.2 - 6.4.3 kind panal-circuited to consist of:
        1. Panel Contacts For enclosed plug in
Panel Contacts For enclosed plug in is a panel that has its components are placed in a box covered panel and built-in room.
        2. For the Contacts panel enclosed outdoor tide
Panel Contacts For the closed outer pairs is that the entire panel components are placed in a box covered panels and mounted outdoors. The materials used must be weatherproof.
       3. To open Contacts Panel plug in
Contacts Panel To open plug in should not be placed near the gas line, steam vents, drains or other channels that have nothing to do with the Panel Hubung Share (PHB) is.
     4. Contacts To open panel post outside
Panel installation site Hubung Share (PHB) open outside post should be a weather-resistant equipment. Supplies or should have drains so as to prevent the occurrence of waterlogging.
Panel placement Hubung Share (PHB):
a. Maximum height from the floor 1.2 - 2m.
b. On the front panel must have free space that is wide enough.
c. When opening the panel is not disturbed by any objects.
d. The door must be fully open.
e. Panel mounted in a suitable place, a dry and well-ventilated area.
D. Components Panel Hubung Share (PHB)

a. MCB
Miniature Circuit Breaker, known as the MCB is basically a tool that works the way semi-automatic that can be used for security against overload or short circuit
b. MCCB (Mould Case Circuit Breaker)
Mould Case Circuit Breaker is one of the air circuit breaker in the form of contact prints. These breakers are assembled into an integrated unit in the box insulators.
Top of Form
c. Circuit breaker switch
Terms of use of the switch and the circuit breaker (PUIL 2000: -
1. Single Pole.
Each switch or circuit breaker must operate on a single-pole active conductor of the circuit connected to it.
2. Circuit Phase Many
Each switch or circuit breaker must operate on all active conductor circuit connected to it. Single-pole or single-pole circuit breaker must operate on the active conductor of the circuit.
d. Control circuit
         a. Pushbutton switch (Push button)
         Pushbutton switch is a means of opening or closing of the operation is done by pressing the button. This switch serves as an auxiliary switch for operating the contactor or MCCB.
        b. contactors
        Contactor is a kind of switch / contact who works with the help of magnetic power of electricity and is capable of serving a large electric load current and is able to connect or open electrical circuits repeatedly.
E. The current transformer
         In the current transformer electrical panel serves to control a large current flowing in the circuit. Current transformers made by comparison closed, karana unavailability ampermeter which can measure very large currents. With the comparison between the primary current and the secondary current in the current transformer, in any large measure the current flowing to the transformer windings make appropriate comparisons with a large current to be measured.

F.Indicator lights
          Indicator lights or blinker is a sign that illustrates that the flow of electric current on the panel in the working state or flow. Usually consists of three colors, namely red lights (phase R), yellow (S phase), and green (phase T) mounted on the door panel.
G. conductor
         Following identification of conductors by colors based (PUIL 2000):
a. Use of Color Camouflage Green-Yellow
Camouflage-green color can only be used to mark the grounding conductor, and the conductor seat.
b. Use of Color Blue
         The blue color is used to mark the neutral conductor or wire central electrical installation. To avoid mistakes, the color should not be used to characterize the color of the other conductor. The blue color can only be used for other purposes, if the plant itself is not a neutral conductor or wire center. Blue should not be used to mark the earthing conductor.
c. Use of Color For Wiring With single-core cables.
For wiring in electrical equipment are advised to use only one color, especially black, do not conflict with the above two points.


A. Conclusion
1. PHB is functioning equipment receives electricity from PLN and further distribute and while controlling the distribution of electrical energy via main and branch circuit panel to PHB
2. The role of PHB in a building:
- As Liaison Networks
- For Safety Networks
- As Dividers Expenses
- As Supplier All Charges
- As a controller circuit
3. Panel Type Contacts Share
a. PHB closed plug in
b. PHB closed outer pairs
c. PHB open plug in
d. PHB open pairs outside
4. Panel Components Contacts Share
1. MCB
3. Switch Circuit
4. Control Networks
5. Transformer
6. Indicator Lights
7. Conductor
B. Suggestions
               Our advice should be in a building which requires a large current, such buildings must use Hubung Panel Share (PHB). To be inside the building and for the building users can use the building without electrical interference.


Ridho, em. (December 23, 2011). Final "Planning Panel Hubung Share (PHB) [Online] Available: [February 1, 2014]

Aris E. (25 April 2012). Installation of PHB to House Live The Standard and Ideal [Online] Available: [February 1, 2014]

Prawiro, S (11 September 2011). Panel Hubung Share (PHB) [Online] Available: [February 1, 2014]

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