Thursday, 9 March 2017


School year 2016/2017

Arrangged by :

Name                              :  AJENG SETIYA NINGRUM
                                         MAR1ATUL AZIZAH
                                         SHELLY PUTRI S
                                         TRI AYU NINGRUM
Student’s number              :
Grade                              : XII E
Competence program        : TEHNIK  INFORMASI KOMUNIKASI   
Sub competence program  : TEHNIK  KOMPUTER DAN JARINGAN  

School year 2016/2017


With the utter sense of gratitude the presence of God Almighty, because on segalalimpahan mercy, His grace and guidance we can accomplish the task of this paper on time.
The paper, titled "On Assembling Your Computer" is structured to fulfill the tasks subjects. Of course, do not forget we like to thank all those who have helped the completion of this task.
We as a constituent of this paper is fully aware that this paper still far from sempurna.oleh Therefore, criticism and suggestions are of no relevance to the improvement of this paper are we expected from the readers. Feedback tiniest our attention and to consider improvements in the future.
On this occasion, we express our thanks to all those who have helped in the completion of this paper. Hopefully this paper can provide benefits and can provide added value to the users.

Kedunggalar, Februari 17, 2017


TITLE                                                                                                                   i
FOREWORD                                                                                                          ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                 iii
A.   Background                                                                                         1
B.    Problem Formulation                                                                            1
C.   Purpose                                                                                              1
A.   Supplies and Equipment                                                                        2
B.    Steps How to Assemble Computer (PC)                                                   3
A.   Conclusion                                                                                          8
B.    Advice                                                                                                8
BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                                                          9

A.   Background
The development of computer technology is so rapid has given rise to new phenomena, such as the presence of people who can not live without their computers. This is a challenge as well as good news because it proves that Indonesian society is a society that is adaptive.
It raises the question of the fundamental common for ordinary people who want to start taking advantage of the computer is a physical computer itself. By knowing the type of hardware in a computer unit and master the techniques of the assembly, then the public will be able to optimize the use of computers as needed and the allocation of its own funds.
This paper will guide you master the technique of assembling a Personal Computer (PC) Pentium 3 or Pentium 4 in a practical, step by step, accompanied by illustrations and photo viewer.
Actually, How to Assemble a PC Pentium 3 and 4 the same, different is the type of hardware. So we are here not to separate the way of a second assembly pentium.
Hopefully in a short time, you will be able to undertake computer assembly properly and professionally.
B.    Formulation of the problem
    What should be prepared before assembling the computer?
    How to assemble a computer?
C.    Writing purpose

1.    By reading this paper is expected to understanding the contents.
2.    By making this paper, we contributed a little bit of knowledge we have.
3.    To provide new skills in the IT field.

A.   Supplies and Equipment
1.    Cassing and Power Supply
2.    Mainboard / Motherboard
3.    processor
4.    Heatsink + Cooling Fan
5.    VGA Card (VGA)
6.    Sound Card (Sound Card) if there
7.    HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
8.    FDD (Floppy Disk Drive)
9.    CD ROM / RW or DVD ROM / RW
10. monitor
11. keyboard
12. Mouse
13. Active speaker
14. Power cable (monitor + CPU)
15. IDE cable
16. FDD cable
17. pliers
18. Screwdriver
Furthermore, computer components and equipment for the assembly prepared in advance to facilitate assembly. Supplies were prepared consisting of:
1.    computer components
2.    Completeness of components such as cables, screws, jumpers, bolts, etc.
3.    Manuals and references of the components
4.    Tools such as a flat screwdriver and pliers
5.    Software operating system, device drivers and application programs.
The manuals required as a reference to know the position of the element connection diagram (connectors, ports and slots) and element configuration (jumpers and switches) as well as how to set jumpers and switches are suitable for computer dirakit.Diskette or CD. Software needed to install the operating system, device drivers from the device, and application programs on a computer that is assembled.

B.   Steps How to Assemble Computer (PC)
1. How to Install Processor Motherboard
·         First open or pull up the locking lever processor socket on the motherboard.
·         Before putting the processor into the socket, see signs point / triangle in the corner of the processor and skewer the same sign in the socket motherboard, if installed properly lock back in the processor socket.
·         Cover or apply a paste in bagias on the processor heatsink will be in pairs. Pasta serves as a supplier of heat from the processor to the heatsink.
·         Furthermore tide over the processor heatsink, Heatsink key so as not to shake or appear to want to be separated.
·         Last colokokan heatsink fan power connector to the motherboard. And double-check that the heatsink and processor is already installed well.
Note the picture below
Description: memasang processor
Description: memeasang heatsink
2. How to Install Memory / RAM to the motherboard
·         View and open the latch lever.
·         Then adjust the position of grooves on RAM with the notches on the RAM slots on the motherboard.
·         If it fits and press each end of the RAM until the locking lever RAM / memory back lock is usually marked with a "click".
·         Make sure the RAM memory is already installed well and correctly.
Note the picture below
Description: memasang RAM
3. How to Install Power Supply Unit (PSU) On Casing
For the power supply if you buy casings typically are mounted power supply and if not, here's how pemasangnya:
·         Attach the PSU in the top corner or usually there as well who have been placed under depends on the model of the casing itself.
·         Adjust the screw holes with the screw holes on the PSU casing
·         PSU key using the existing screws using a screwdriver (+).
·         Make sure the PSU is mounted correctly and do not shake.
Note the picture below
Description: memasang PSU
4. How to Install Or DVR hard drive and CD-RW
·         Place the casing in a state of standing, attach the hard drive on the casing and lock with bolt using a Phillips screwdriver.
·         Replace the CD-RW or a DVR at the top of the front casing and keys * with screws so that no motion.
·         Further pairs of each cable to the hard drive and CD / DVD RW.
Note the picture below
Description: memasang hardisk dan drive
To make sure the cabling type serial port on the hard drive and CD / DVD RW whether to use the type of ATA or SATA. For power cable is taken from the PSU while for the data pair of motherbord.
5. How to Install the Motherboard to the Casing

·         See the existing screw holes in the casing and the screw holes on motherbord.
·         Motherbord put into the casing to match the existing screw holes on motherbord and casing.
·         The key with the existing screws using a screwdriver (+).
Note the picture below
Description: memasang motherboard
6. How to Install Computer Cables
After all the components installed, the next step is to assemble the cables computers, both wired I / O, the hard drive cable, CD ROM cable, power cable CPU etc. You simply pay attention to the following picture to guide you attach the cables to assemble your computer.
You should really consider this one step, because this is one of the most central in assembling the computer, if you connect the cable that was wrong it will be fatal. But you do not need to worry too much, every cable already be set in such a way as opposed to another, so you stay only match with the plug. Here are some pictures to assemble computer cables.
Description: cara memasang kabel komputer
7. How to Install VGA Card
For this step is only optional course, if you do not install this device also does nothing because the motherboard itself already has an internal vga. Here's how to install vga motherborad:
·         Note vga slot to install and open the latch.
·         Pair vga properly.
·         Once installed kuncikan vga to lock in vga slot.
Note the picture belo
Description: memasang VGA
8. Last Stage In How to Assemble Your Computer
If all steps are finished assembling computers, is now close to the casing and let the screw. Connect the cable from the power supply into a wall socket and connect it to the monitor connector port video card, keyboard cable connector and plug the mouse into the mouse port.
9. Inspection Results In Merakitan Computer (PC)
After assembling the computer finished, we do the examination and test results with the BIOS program, how namely:
·         Turn on the computer and the monitor, see the monitor screen and also hear the sound from the speakers.
·         Well Fost of Bios program will automatically detect any hardware that is installed in komputr.
·         Make the setting for the value of the capacity of the hard drive and boot sequence.
·         If it then save the results of the settings and exit the BIOS setup, the computer loads the operating system dngan search order tailor dngan boot sequence settings in the Bios.
10. In Case Problem Solution Of Computer Assembling Results
·         Turn on your computer and monitor when the computer is not on, check the power cord to the power jack has been connected to anything yet.
·         If time is turned on, the screen display ngeblank / black, there must be a mistake, and if the CPU audible beep, then fix the placement of the RAM / memory socket.
·         If the card adapter is not detected, check the placement of the adapter cards are fit what keslotnya yet.
·         If the LEDs on the hard drive or CD illuminate, check that the connector is connected to anything yet



A.   Conclusions

Communications and information technology in learning and teaching danTeknologi Communication and information suitable for integrating domain concepts, process skills, creativity, attitudes, values, implementation, and the relationship between fields of study (curriculum) in learning and educational assessment.
Learning by using information technology can improve students sikappeserta originally lacking in absorbing information becomes easier, faster and easier to obtain information. and can increase kepeduliansiswa to people's daily activities.

B.   Suggestion

Approach to information technology in the learning needs attention and serious response from all circles both educational institutions and the community itself because it is through this approach that learners can broaden and deepen understanding of the world of information technology in a broader context, not just understanding the concept. Thus, efforts to promote the development of technology for students can be reached easily

Disksusi Group

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