Thursday, 9 March 2017


School year 2016/2017

Arrangged by :

Name                              : HERDI FAHRUDI
                                        IPUNG JULIANTO N
                                        HASAN SANDI P
                                        HENDRI YULIAWA
                                        IMAM MAHFUDHOH
Student’s number              :
Grade                              :
Competence program        : TEHNIK  DAN REKAYASA
Sub competence program  : TEHNIK  KENDARAAN RINGAN

School year 2016/2017

Praise God Almighty for all the abundance of grace, and his instructions so that I can complete the preparation of paper DIFERENTIAL On This car is in form and content that is very simple. Hopefully paper Automatic Transmission On This car can be used as a reference, instructions and guidance to the reader in education in automotive.
            My expectations may Papers Diferential On This car helps increase knowledge and experience for the readers, so I can improve the form and content Papers Diferential On This car so that the future can be better.
            Diferential Papers On The car I admit there are still many shortcomings because of the experience I have had very less. By because I expect readers to provide inputs that are build to perfection Papers Diferential On car

                                                                                    Kedunggalar,08 Maret 2017



TITLE                                                                                                                    i
PREFACE                                                                                                    ii
TABLE OF CONTEN                                                                                     iii
A.   Background                                                                                        1
B.    Problem formulation                                                                            1
C.   Purpose                                                                                              1
A.   understanding Differential                                                                     2
B.    Working Principle Differential                                                                2
C.   Part Differential                                                                                   2
D.   Component differential                                                                         3

B.    Conclusion                                                                                          4
C.   Suggestions                                                                                        4


           Differential or often known by the name of the component on the vehicle axle is four or more wheels that serves to forward the engine power to the axle. Just to remind you, that the wheels are all derived from the combustion process that occurs in the combustion chamber. The combustion process is then going to drive the piston to move up and down. Then the up and down motion of the piston will be forwarded to rotate the crankshaft.
           Crankshaft rotary motion will be passed to rotate the flywheel / flywheel. Round flywheel will be forwarded to rotate the rotating clutch is then forwarded to the coupling and transmission to the axle. Gardan will continue this rotation to the axle and axle will spin the wheel, sheingga the vehicle can run. So can you remember back in the order of power transfer and rotation of the engine to the wheels, so that the vehicle or car can run.

1. Parts of anything contained in the differential?
2. What does the concept of assembly or installation defferential?

The author's purpose is to know about the differential papers
1. Knowing about pengerian differential / axle
2. Knowing challenge axle components


A. understanding Differential

         Axle is a component on the car that serves to forward the engine power to the axle. Just to remind you, that the wheels are all derived from the combustion process that occurs in the combustion chamber. The combustion process is then going to drive the piston to move up and down. Then the up and down motion of the piston will be forwarded to rotate the crankshaft. Crankshaft rotary motion will be passed to rotate the flywheel / flywheel.
B.  Working Principle Differential
           The main function is to distinguish the rotation axle left and right wheels when the car is being membelok.Hal it is intended that the car can be steered off without making a second tire slip or slip into. To learn how to work the following axle, you should first read my post about knowing axle. As for how the axle is as follows:

1. When the car is running straight:
            At the time the car goes straight state both the left and right tires the same - in the same rotation speed same.And also the burden on the wheel left and right wheels are the same. Thus the order of rotation displacement of the coupling will be forwarded to rotate the drive pinion. Drive pinion will rotate the ring gear, and a ring gear together - together with the differential case will rotate. By turning the differential case, the pinion gear will be carried along with the rotating differential case because the differential case and the pinion gear is connected to the pinion shaft. Because the load between the left wheels and the right wheels is the same as the road is straight, then the pinion gear will bring the right gear side and the left side gear to rotate in a single unit. So in a state of straight road actually not rotating pinion gear, pinion gear Hanaya bring side gear to rotate with - together with the differential case in the same rotation speed. When the differential case rotates one time, then the side gear also rotates one as well, and so on in a state of straight. Round side gear will then be forwarded to move the axle and then drive the wheels.                                          
2. On the car turned saaat
           When the vehicle is turning left prisoners left wheel is greater than the right wheel. If the case of differential ring gear rotates together with the pinion will spin on its axis and around the side gear pergerak left, so round to the right side gear increases, which number of revolutions gear side of which is 2 times round the ring gear. It can be said that the average of the second round of the gear is comparable to a round ring gear.
C. Part Differential
 Differential consists of two major parts:
1. Final Gear
          Final gear consisting of a docking between the drive pinion gear with the ring gear, whose function is to increase the torque and change the direction of rotation of 90 °.

2. Differential Gear
          Differential gear consisting of a docking between the gear-gear pinion gear to the gear side, which serves to distinguish the left and right wheels spin when the vehicle turns.

D.Component differential
1. Bearing Cap
Serves as a cover and adjusting Backleah

3. Adjusting
Serves to adjust the distance between the drive pinion and ring gear

4. Lock Adjusting
Adjusting the locking function that does not move

5. Flange yoke
This component serves to transfer power to the propeller shaft rotary shaft Pinion Drive

6. Oil Shill And Shim
This component serves to prevent oil inside Differential does not come out / leak. And Shim serves as oil seals shill

7. Side bearing
Serve to smooth / soften round

8. Drive Pinion Shaft
This component serves as a rotating shaft and turn the power forward of the axle plopeller are then transferred to the ring gear

9. Collabsible
This component serves to maintain the position fron and rier

10. Gear Ring
This component serves as the successor to the rotation of the drive pinion gear and side

11. Pinion Shaft
This component serves as a place holder pinion gear

12. Pinion Gear and Thurs Washer
This component serves to distinguish rounds left and right side gear when the vehicle is turning and washer serves as an oil gap

13. Side Gear
This component serves to continue the rotation of the pinion gear to the axle shaft

14. Differential Case
Differential Housing serves as the home of all the components of the differential gear

15. Differential Housing
Differential housing serves as the home of all the components of the differentia


A.Inspection Differential
Examination Keoleng Ring Gear (Run OUT Ring Gear) using Dial Indicator
rocking Maximum: 0.07 mm.
Results of measurement: 0.06 mm.
Bias is still used, When rocking past the maximum extent replace the gear ring gear

Examination Backlash Gear Ring using Dial Indicator
Backlash STD: from 0.13 to 0.18 mm
Results of measurement: 0.14 mm

Backlash inspection of the gear side, using a dial indicator
Backlash STD: 0.05 to 0.20 mm
The measurement results: 020
It could still be used, but we recommend putting the thrust ring right before passing the limit

Measure first load drive pinion and ring gear
1. Using a Key Moment of the first load measuring backlash between the pinion gear penggerakdan ring.
first Expenses: 1.7 to 2.5 kg.
The measurement results: 2.1 kg.
2. Measure the total extra burden initially load first pinion drive
Expenses Total STD: 1.7 kg MAX
The measurement results: 1 kg



Defferential continue functioning power of the propeller shaft of the transmission Ke or final drive. So if the differential is damaged then the differential that I loading I conclude that the differential was both visually so that they can be used.


1. Differential Treatment should be done once a month.
2. Replacement of the differential ring gear and drive pinion gear we should be done in deler
3. Bearing that fasten drive shafts must be replaced if there is a point of time unpacking looked black or colored black already.

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