Thursday, 9 March 2017


School year 2016/2017


Arrangged by :

Name                              : ARIEF WAHYDI
                                        HELMI ZULFIKAR
                                        RIZAL FAUZI
                                        UNDANG YUSUF. B
Student’s number              :
Grade                              : XII E
Competence program        : TEHNIK  INFORMASI KOMUNIKASI   
Sub competence program  : TEHNIK  KOMPUTER DAN JARINGAN  

School year 2016/2017

         Praise we pray for the presence of Allah Subhanahu wata'alla for over abundance of mercy and grace so that we can complete the preparation of this paper in form and content.
         Our hope that a paper entitled "CONTACTOR MAGNET" This helps increase knowledge and experience for the reader, so that if there are things that are never perfect in this paper the reader may convey his suggestions to us.
         This paper we admit there are still many shortcomings because our experience yamg still lacking. Therefore, we expect readers to provide feedback that is constructive for the perfection of this paper.

                                                                              Kedunggalar,04 Februari 2017


                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

TITEL                                                                                                                   i
FOREWORD                                                                                                ii
               A. Background                                                                                1
               B. Problem Formulation                                                                   1
               C. Purpose                                                                                     1
               A. Definition Magnet contactor                                                         2
               B. Working Principle                                                                        2
               C. Characteristics of the magnetic contactor                                      3
               D. Application of magnetic contactor                                                4
     E. characteristics                                                                                      4
               A. Conclusion                                                                                 5
BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                                                          6



A.  Background

As we know today Contactors Magnet can control such as an electric motor, to turn off and turn it on. The electric motor itself is a primary need terhadapat a company engaged in the industrial part. The electric motor is used as pengerak for other tools. Surely it would be more effective if the motor is able to act in accordance with the existing situation. So from that point on occasion I will discuss about Contactors Magnet

B. Problem Formulation

 The formulation of the problem in writing this maklah namely:
1. What is the definition of magnetic contactor?
2. How Working Principle magnetic contactor?
3. Bagaiamanakah characteristic magnetic contactor?
4. How does the application or usefulness of magnetic contactor?

C. Objectives

The purpose of this paper is;
1. To know the definition of the magnetic contactor.
2. To determine the working principle of magnetic contactor.
3. To determine the characteristics of the magnetic contactor.
4. To determine the usefulness of magnetic contactor.



A.  Definition Magnetic Contactors

         Contactor is a type of magnetic switch that works that contacts works when coils are given energy by utilizing the electric energy into electromagnetic. Contactor only works by changing N0 (normaly open) to NC (normaly close) or otherwise from NC to NO by utilizing electromagnetic attractive force. At The National Manufacture Association (NEMA) defines the magnetic contactor as magnetically driven tool to connect and open circuit of electrical power. Unlike relays, contactors are designed to connect and open circuits without damaging the electrical power. Such expenses include lighting, heating, transformers, capacitors and motors listrik.Untuk decide NO and NC on the contactor can be done with AVO meter.

B. The types of contactor
1.  Contactors Magnet
          Magnets or magnetic contactor switch is a switch that works by magnetism. This means that this switch works when there is a magnetic force. Magnet serves as the pickup and release contact A contactor should be able to flow in and decide the current in the working state normal.Arus normal work is the current flowing during disconnection does not occur. A magnetic contactor coil (coil) can be designed to direct current (DC current) or alternating current (AC) .Kontaktor AC current is at the core of the magnetic ring fitted short circuited, the point is to keep the flow of magnetism that is continuous so that the contactor can normal work. While the magnetic coils are designed for DC current is not installed ring short circuited.
           One key component of the magnetic contactors consist of:
Coil magnetic coil with symbol A1-A2 will work if given the power supply.
The main Konta consists of symbol numbers: 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 auxiliary contacts are usually made up of numbers 11,12,13,14 or 21,22,23,24 and figures ahead so on but the last digit is composed of 1- 4.

2. Kontaktor Magnet DC
          Contactor magnet direct current (DC) consists of a coil that is essentially made of iron. So when an electric current flows through the coil, the iron core will be a magnet. The magnetic force is used to pull the armature that once closed / open contact. When an electric current to the coil is disconnected, the magnetic force will be gone and spring will attract / repel the armature so that the back contact opens or closes.
          To design a large direct current contactors required working voltage is great anyway, but this will result in current through the coil will be great and will quickly heat contactor. So the direct current magnetic contactor will be efficient at working voltages as small as 6 V, 12 V and 24 V.
           Physical form relay packed with transparent plastic containers, has two contact SPDT (Single Pole Double throgh) Figure 2.1, the main contact and two contacts branch). Relay this type using a DC voltage of 6V, 12 V, 24 V, and 48 V. Also available with AC voltage of 220 V. The ability to contact a current of electricity is limited less than 5 amperes. To dapatmengalirkan current great power to control the induction motor, relay contact associated with the child. When the direct current contactor for use on AC current, the magnetism will arise and disappear at any time following the wave of AC current.
C.Kontaktor Magnet AC

          Construction contactor magnet alternating current is basically the same with the direct current magnetic contactor. However, due to the nature of the alternating current sinusoidal waveform, then at one period there are twice as large voltage equal to zero. If the frequency of the AC current 50 in 1 second Herz means there will be 50 waves. And the first period will take 1/50 = 0.02 seconds taken two times zero. Thus in 1 second occurs 100 times zero or 1 second magnetic coil magnetic lose 100 times
          Therefore, to fill the loss of magnetism on magnetic coil due to current losses it made winding short circuit that serves as a generator of magnetic induction when the magnetic current in the magnetic coil is lost. Thus, the magnetic current in the contactor will be maintained continuously (continuous) .When contactor designed for use on AC current DC current to the coil so it does not arise so that the electric induction coil to heat. Inversely, when the magnetic contactor for DC current that has no windings short circuited given AC current contactors then on it will vibrate due to magnetization on the magnetic coil arise and disappear every 100 times.

D. Work principle
            A contactor is comprised of a coil, several contacts Normally Open (NO) and some Normally Close (NC). At the time of the contactor normal, NO opens and when the contactor working, NO will close. While the NC contact otherwise ie when in a normal state will close and the NC contacts in the working state NC contacts will open. The coil is a coil that would occur if the rated voltage of magnetization and interesting contacts resulting in a change or work. Contactors are operated electromagnetically is one of the most useful mechanism ever designed for closing and opening an electrical circuit then drawing the working principle of magnetic contactor can be seen in the following figure:

            Contactors including types of motor-driven switch magnet as described above. When the clamps a and b magnetic coil rated voltage, then the magnet will attract anchor so that the contacts move associated with the anchor also interested. The voltage can be paired AC voltage (AC) and voltage (DC), depending on how the magnet designed it. Also used for several purposes coil current (not voltage), but in terms of production is preferred because of the large voltage coil voltage is generally normalized and does not depend on the specific purpose applicator.
E. characteristics

        Specifications magnetic contactor that must be considered is the ability of the contactor is written in the Watt / KW, which is adapted to the burden borne, the ability to conduct current from the contact - contact, written in amperes, voltage capability of the magnetic coil, whether for voltage 127 Volt or 220 volt, as well as the frequency, the ability to protect against low voltage, for example, written ± 20% of the working voltage. Thus in terms of safety and practicality, the use of magnetic contactor is much better than the regular switch.
            Relay analogous to a circuit breaker and connecting as well as the function of the button (Push Button) and switch (Switch), which only works on a small current 1A s / d 5A. While Contactors can analogy also as a breaker for the circuit breaker and connecting power to the load. Because the Contactor, other than NO and NC contacts are also there are 3 main NO contact to connect the electrical current to the size specified in the contactor. For example 10A, 15A, 20A, 30A, 50Amper and so on. Like in the picture below.



A.  Conclusions

1. Contactors magnets or magnetic switch is a switch that works by magnetism.
2. An important component of the contactor (Magnetic Contactor):
· Magnetic coil (coil) with symbol A1 - A2 which will work if given the power supply.
· Primary contact number symbols consist of: 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.
· Auxiliary contacts usually consist of 11,12,13,14 number symbols, or numbers 21,22,23,24 and front figure remained so but the last digit from 1 to 4.
3. Type a magnetic contactor (Magnetic Contactor) there are three kinds:
· Main magnetic contactor
· Auxiliary magnetic contactor
· Magnetic contactor kombinas


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