Thursday, 9 March 2017


School year 2016/2017


Arrangged by :

Name                                       : RULI YUDIANTO
                                                  MUDAM MAHENDRA
                                                  DENI ERIYANTO
                                                  PAWI ANGGA
Student’s number                    :
Grade                                      :
Competence program              : TEHNIK  DAN REKAYASA
Sub competence program        : TEHNIK INSTALASI  TENAGA LISTRIK

School year 2016/2017


            Assalamu Wr. Wb.
           By reciting the praise and gratitude to the presence of GOD Almighty who telahmemberikan health, strength, and also bestow His mercy kepadaPenulis so the author has been able to complete the task paper entitled "Capacitors" segue along with greetings Writer pray that GOD SWT bestow greetings to the Prophet Muhammad, was to the family and his companions. This task is one of the requirements to meet the obligations as a student. The assistance which the author gained during the making of this paper author accomplish this task from beginning to end, then on this occasion the author realizes that the task of this paper is far from perfect, therefore Writer expect criticism and suggestions constructive, so that could be a lesson for Writer and also for the perfection in the days to come. Hopefully this paper helpful Resistor   to         all.
             Wassalamu'alaikum    Wr.     Wb.

                                                                                    Kedunggalar,03 Pebruari 2017



TITLE                                                                                                                                    i
PREFACE                                                                                                                             ii
TABLE OF CONTEN                                                                                                         iii
A.    Background                                                                                                                1
B.     objective                                                                                                                      1
C.     benefits research                                                                                                         1
A.    definition of resistor                                                                                                   2
B.     Functionality and usability                                                                                         2
C.     Various resistor in accordance with the materials and construction                           3
D.    The materials contained in the resistor include                                                           4
A.    conclusion                                                                                                                   7
BIBILIOGRAPY                                                                                                                  8

I. Background
              Resistors are electronic components poles are designed to withstand an electric current by producing electric voltage between two poles, the voltage value of resistance is proportional to the current flowing, is based. Resistors are used as part of a network of electronics and electronic circuits, and is one of the most frequently used components. Resistors can be made of various compounds and films, even the resistance wire (wire made of high resistivity alloys such as nickel-chromium).
              The main characteristics of the resistor is the resistance and electric power can be delivered. Other characteristics include temperature coefficient, electrical noise, and inductance. Resistors can be integrated into hybrid circuits and printed circuit boards, integrated circuits even. The size and location of the foot depends on the design of the circuit, the resistor power needs to be sufficient and adapted to the current needs of the circuit so as not to burn.

2. Objective

The purpose of making this paper is to:
1. Knowing about resistor
2. The function of the circuit resintor
3. The materials contained in resistor
4. Knowing the marking on the resistor.
5. Determines the values
​​of each color in the resistor
6. Know the types of resistors.

3. Benefits Research
1. For the students can know more about the resistors and the types.
2. As a reference for younger siblings later levels.


A.    Definitions of resistor

              Resistors are electronic components that serves to inhibit electrical current and produce a certain resistance value. Ability to inhibit the electric current resistor varies adjusted to the resistance value of the resistor.
              Resistor has a variety of types and forms. Among cylindrical resistor, smd (Surface Mount Devices), and wirewound. Types of carbon composition resistors, among others, metal films, wirewound, smd, and thick film resistor technology. Resistor most widely circulated in the public market is a resistor with a carbon composite material, and metal films. These resistors are usually cylindrical with a circular color ribbon in the resistor body. Ribbon color is known as the resistor code. By knowing the resistor code we can know the resistor value, tolerance, temperature coefficient of the resistor and reliability. This tutorial will explain the code resistor code which many in the market.
                Carbon composition resistors consist of a resistive element with a wire or tube-shaped metal cap on both ends. Agency resistor is protected with paint or plastic. Legacy carbon composition resistors have a body that is not insulated, connecting wire wrapped around the tip of the resistive element and then soldered. Resistor finished painted with color coding of the price.
               Resistive element is made from a mixture of carbon powder and an insulating material (usually ceramic). Resin is used to attach the mix. Resistance is determined by the ratio of carbon powder with an insulating material. Carbon composition resistors are often used prior to the 1970s, but now is not too popular because resistor other types have better characteristics, such as tolerance, independence of the voltage (carbon composition resistors change resistance when subjected to overvoltage), and the independence of the stress / strain , In addition, if the resistor becomes damp, heat of the solder may lead to a change in resistance which is non-refundable.
However, these resistors are very reliable if it had not been provided overvoltage or overheating. This resistor is still produced, but it is relatively expensive. Miliohm resistance ranges from a few to 22 MOhm.

B.     Functionality and usability

Functionality and usability of the resistor in the circuit
a. As the current divider and voltage divider
b. As the lowering of tension
c. As an inhibitor of electric current.
              To state otherwise included resentasi and its limits. Various resistor made from a variety of different materials and different properties. Specific else that must be considered in selecting a draft resistor in addition to a large resentasinya was great because watt resistor working in alirin electric current will be a power dissipation of heat for W = I2R watts. The greater the physical size of a resistor can be, the greater the ability of the resistor power dissipation. Generally in the market available sizes 1/8, 1/4, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 watts. Resistor which has disipasidaya 5, 10 and 20 watt generally elongated rectangular cubic shaped white, but some are cylindrical. But usually for jumbo-size resistor resistance value printed directly dibadannya, misalnya100 * 5W. Resistors in theory and practice in writing with a representation of the letter R. Judging from the physical size of a resistor with each other does not mean equal value of its resistance. The resistance value resistor is called resistance.

C.    Various resistor in accordance with the materials and construction

             Based on the types and materials that are used to make the resistor divided into resistor wire, a resistor charcoal and metal oxide resistors. Resistors charcoal and metal oxide resistors based on the composition known composition resistors and film resistors. However, in trade resistors are divided into a fixed resistor (fixed resistor) danresistor variables. The use of low power the main thing is the type of custody remains that detainees printed carbon compounds. The relative size of all prisoners of permanent and temporary changes to the power rating (wattage), the addition of a measure to increase the power rating in order to maintain the current and loss lesapan greater power.
              Prisoners arbitrary as it appears from its name, has a terminal that can be modified custody costs by turning a dial, knob, screw, or whatever else is appropriate for an application. They could have two or three terminals, but most have three terminal.Jika two or three terminals are used to control large voltage, it is usually called potentiometer. Despite the fact that three-terminal device that can be used as a rheostat or potentiometer (depending on how where connected), she was referred potentiometer when listing in the trade magazines or asked for special applications.
             Most potentiometer has three terminals. Dial, knob and screw in the middle of the packaging to control the motion of a contact which can move along the barrier element which is connected between the two terminals luar.Tahanan between the outer terminals always remain at full price contained in potentiometer, unaffected in the shear arm position. In other words prisoners between the outer terminals for potentiometer 1M? will always 1M ?, no matter how we turn the control element.  
            Prisoners between the sliding sleeve and one external terminal can be varied from a minimum price that is zero ohm up to a maximum price equal to the full price of a potentiometer tersebut.Jumlah detention between sliding sleeve and the outside each terminal should be the same with a large full custody potentiometer. If prisoners between the sliding sleeve and one outside contact increases, the prisoners between the sliding sleeve and one outside the other terminals will be reduced
D.    The materials contained in the resistor include

1. Carbon Film
           A layer of carbon film deposited on a substrate layer of insulator and twisted pieces made to form a long, narrow resistive path. By changing the width of the path cuts, coupled with carbon resistivity (between 9 to 40 μΩ-cm) can provide a wide resistance [1]. Carbon film resistor provides power rating between 1/6 W to 5 W at 70 ° C. Resistance is available between 1 ohm to 10 MOhm. Carbon film resistor can work at temperatures between -55 ° C to 155 ° C. It has a maximum working voltage of 200 to 600 v
2. Metal Film
       The main resistive element of resistor foil is a special alloy of metal foil as thick as several micrometers. Resistor foil is a resistor with the best precision and stability. One important parameter that affects the stability is the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR). TCR of foil resistors is very low. Ultra-precision foil resistors have a TCR of 0.14ppm / ° C, a tolerance of ± 0.005%, the long-term stability of 25ppm / year, 50ppm / 3 years, the stability of the load of 0.03% / 2000 hours, EMF heat 0.1μvolt / ° C, noise -42dB, voltage coefficient 0.1ppm / V, 0.08μH inductance, capacitance 0.5pF.

4.5. Marking resistor
              Resistor axial typically uses colors to show the banding pattern of resistance. Resistor-surface pairs ditandas numerically if it is large enough to be marked, usually small size resistors are now used are too small to be marked. Packaging is usually brown, brown, blue, or green, even so other colors are also possible, such as dark red or gray.
               Resistor early 20th century are usually not isolated, and dipped in paint to cover the entire body for color coding. The color of the second at one end, and a point (or ribbon) color in the middle gives the third digit. The rule is "the body, the tip, the point of" giving the order of two-digit decimal resistance and multiplier. Basically tolerance is ± 20%. Resistors with tighter tolerances using silver (± 10%) or gold (± 5%) at the other end.
4.6. Identification of four ribbons
             Identification of four ribbons are color coded scheme is most often used. It consists of four colored bands painted around the resistor body. The first two bands is a two-digit price information resistance, the third band is a multiplier factor (the number of zeros added after two digits resistance) and a fourth band tolerance, resistance. Sometimes there is a fifth tape that shows the temperature coefficient, but this must be distinguished from the five-color system using three-digit true resistance.
For example, a green-blue-yellow-red is 56 x 104Ω = 560 kΩ ± 2%. Description easier are: first ribbon, green, has a price of 5 and a second ribbon, blue, has a price of 6, and both counted as 56. The third tape, yellow, has a price of 104, which added four zeros on the back 56, while the fourth tape , red, code for a tolerance of ± 2%, providing value 560.000Ω at an accuracy of ± 2%.
first Pita
Pita second
second third
fourth Pita
Pita fifth
(Temperature coefficient)
× 100

± 1% (F)
100 ppm
× 102
± 2% (G)
50 ppm
× 103

15 ppm
× 104

25 ppm
× 105
± 0.5% (D)

× 106
± 0.25% (C)

× 107
± 0.1% (B)

× 108
± 0.05% (A)

× 109


× 10-1
± 5% (J)


× 10-2
± 10% (K)


± 20% (M)

4.7. Types of resistor
1. Fixed Resistors (ie the value of its resistance fixed resistor)
 Fixed Resistors.
Fixed resistors

US and Japanese

Some things to note in fixed resistor.
1. The greater the physical form of the resistor, the greater the resistor power.
2. The larger the value of the resistor power higher temperatures are acceptable resistor.
3. Resistor material certainly larger wire coil shape and its power value than resistor of carbon materials.
2. Resistor ariabel
Namely hambatanya resistor values can be changed.
Variable resistors can also be differentiated into two inter alia:
Resistors Variable

US and Japanese

a. resistor Trimpot
Namely resistor that is variable resistor that its resistance value can be changed by using a screwdriver.
b. resistor Potensio
Namely resistor that is variable resistor that its resistance value can be changed directly using the hand (without tools) by turning the crank shaft or knob to shift the sliding pot.

Resistors are used as part of a network of electronics and electronic circuits, and is one of the most commonly used components in an appliance.


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